Godfrey Design-Build

Creating a cohesive brand identity and website to elevate client’s online presence.

A new client Patrick Godfrey reached out to Delmain because he wanted to re-vamp his current website. Patrick is a home designer, remodeler, and builder based out of Massachusetts. His old site was a bit outdated and lacking content, and he wanted it to be more robust to rank better for searches.

I collaborated with Patrick to establish a strong brand identity and incorporated it into his new, user-friendly website I designed. The finished site led to a 41% increase in click-through rates, and an average of seven new leads per month for Patrick.

My role:
Sole researcher and designer
Key skills:
Visual design and communication, responsive web design, interaction design

There’s more, but I can’t make it public.

Need a password? Contact me via LinkedIn.

There’s more, but I can’t make it public.

Need a password? Contact me via LinkedIn.